Expatriates in the United Arab Emirates

There are a considerable number of expatriates in the United Arab Emirates, with most living in Dubai. Expatriates are primarily attracted by the employment and investment opportunities of the United Arab Emirates.



There are more than 70,000 Afghans in the United Arab Emirates, of which 40,000 live in Dubai. As of 2008, 50,000 Afghans held Pakistani passports and had previously lived in Pakistan.[1] Although the constitution of Afghanistan permits two nationalities at once, the unanimously large group was encouraged to exchange their Pakistani passports for Afghan passports as "stability had returned" in the country.

Most Afghans in the UAE have their own businesses or are the elite of Afghanistan that left Afghanistan to have better lifes and more luxury in the UAE. The largest amount of them live in Dubai. There is also an Afghan Business Council of Dubai, which was formed in 2005 by expatriate Afghan businessmen, traders and entrepreneurs residing in the UAE. One of the organisation's purposes is to develop economic, cultural and social relations between Afghanistan and the UAE as well as to promote the interests of the Afghan business community of Dubai.[2]


Americans in the United Arab Emirates form one of the largest Western expatriate communities in the UAE. It is estimated that approximately between 10,000 and 15,000 United States nationals reside in the UAE. The bulk of these are from Dubai while sizable populations are also found in Abu Dhabi. According to statistics produced in 1999, there were 7,500 United States citizens in Abu Dhabi and as much as 9,000 United States citizens in Dubai.[3] Roughly 0.3% of Dubai's population is made up of United States citizens.


Azerbaijanis in United Arab Emirates number around 12.000.[4]The Azerbaijanis live mostly in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.


Armenians in United Arab Emirates number around 3,000.[5] The Armenians live mainly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


Australians in the United Arab Emirates consist of 7,000 expatriates, half of whom live in the capital of Abu Dhabi (3,500) and the other half of whom live in the Emirati commercial hub of Dubai.[6]

Australians have been attracted by the lifestyle Dubai offers, including the wealth of outdoor activities for their families.[7] However, their population fell in 2009 due to the downturn in the economy of Dubai, as retrenched Australian expatriates with underwater real-estate loans fled the country to avoid debtor's prison.[8]

In Dubai, Australian and New Zealander expatriates joined together to set up the Australia New Zealand Association, which aims to provide mutual support for their communities in the entire UAE.[9]

The Australian International School, Sharjah is an established international school, catering to much of the Australian community. The school's education system and syllabus is Queensland-curriculum based.[10]


There are over 600,000 Bangladeshis in the UAE.[11] Expatriates from Bangladesh in the United Arab Emirates form one of the largest communities along with others hailing from the Indian subcontinent. They are spread out over the various emirates of the country, with many based in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. A sizeable number of the South Asian labour force in the UAE is from Bangladesh. In the fiscal year 2005-2006, remittances from Bangladeshis were marked up to US$512.6M.[12]

There are a number of Bangladeshi-curriculum schools in the UAE, including the Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Bangladesh Islamia School in Abu Dhabi.


'Brazilians' in the United Arab Emirates are the second largest community of Brazilians in the Middle East (after Lebanon) and are mainly expatriates and professional footballers. In 2002, up to 235 Brazilians were reported to be living in the country (Abu Dhabi and Dubai.[13] These figures increased ten-fold, with data disclosed by the embassy of Brazil in Abu Dhabi putting the number as high as 2,000 by 2010.[14] Most immigrants are pilots, stewards and technicians working with the two main airlines in the country, Emirates and Etihad; in the Emirates airline alone, there are over 100 Brazilian pilots and 600 stewards.[14] Brazil also has a large business presence in the UAE, with representative offices established for several construction companies, exporters and banks. Footballers from Brazil top the list of foreigners playing in the UAE Football League.[15] The UAE remains a popular touring destination for many Brazilians and there are air links between both countries.[16]


Britons in the United Arab Emirates with a population of 100,000, represent the largest western community in the United Arab Emirates[17] and are made up primarily of English and Scottish expatriates. Main localities where British nationals are based include Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. A number of Britons working in the UAE are high-salary white-collar job professionals. In the 2010 UK general elections, following the drop in sterling, UAE-based British expats were seen taking advantage by sending increased funds back home to the UK, with the number of dirham trades flowing back to the UK rising by over 40 percent in two days.[18]

See also


In 2007, there were an estimated 12,000 Canadians in the United Arab Emirates.[19] This number has recently increased, and, as cited by the Club for Canadians - a free, non-profit, volunteer-based social club in Dubai, there are over 22,000 Canadians in the U.A.E., over 8,000 of which are in Dubai.[20] and the remaining in the capital city of Abu Dhabi. In Dubai alone, there are an estimated 800 Canadian businesses.

See also


There are approximately 180,000 Chinese people in the United Arab Emirates,[21] 150,000 of which are in Dubai.[22] Many Chinese expatriates hail from the Wenzhou region; they are mostly businessmen and merchants who run hundreds of commodity shops.[23] Chinese culture in the Emirates has a sizeable presence; there is an overwhelming number of Chinese restaurants in Dubai.

See also


Danes are a small expatriate community. As of 2010, their number was around 2,000, up from just 400 since 2005.[24] The Danish community of Dubai have founded a cultural organisation known as Danes in Dubai, which aims at fostering relations between Denmark and the UAE.[25]



There are over 10,000 expatriates from France living in the UAE.[26] There are numerous community organisations, schools, restaurants and academies throughout the country. According to various statistics, the French population of UAE has been growing at a rate of 5% each year.[27] France also has an industrial presence; there are close to 300 French enterprises and businesses in the UAE. Roughly half of these are located in Dubai.[27]


Germans in the United Arab Emirates number 10,000 ,[28] found across major cities of the country. Most tend to be long-term and short-term workers contracted in various jobs for a period of time.


There are over a thousand Greeks living in the UAE, most of whom are based in Dubai.[29][30] They are predominately professionals in white-collar industry serving in various positions such as executives and businessmen.[29] Many of them have been living in the country for more than 20 years, while every year an increasing number of newcomers are setting up in the UAE.[30] In addition, there are more than 120 Greek companies of different sectors which are currently operating in the country.[30]

The Greek community is organised through social circles; there are two (informal) Greek schools, whose teachers are posted and managed by the Greek Ministry of Education.

The Greek Orthodox Church of the UAE is under the jurisdiction of the Antioch Patriarchate; the current bishop is the Metropolitan of Bagdad and Kuwait Constantine. There is a Greek Orthodox Church of St Nikolaos in Abu Dhabi. Prior to its construction, there existed no Greek church in the UAE and the community had to use other churches for their services.[31]



Indonesians in the United Arab Emirates consist largely of labour migrants and female domestic workers working as housemaids. As of 2009, their estimated population was 75,000; of these, 40,000 were from Dubai and the remaining 35,000 from Abu Dhabi.[32]


Iranians in the United Arab Emirates account for 8% of the country's population, mainly businessmen, and have invested over $300 billion dollars into the country.[33]

There are an estimated 8,000 Iranian-backed businesses in Dubai.[34]

Notable businesspeople include: Shahram Abdullah Zadeh, former CEO of Al-Fajer Properties,[35] Morteza Masoumzadeh, shipping agent[34] and Majid Pishyar, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of 32 Group.[36]


Iraqis in the UAE have a population exceeding 100,000[37] and form one of the largest community of non-citizen Arabs in the UAE. Most Iraqis are recent immigrants who have fled instability back home; while Syria, Jordan, Iran and Lebanon were ultimate destinations for most refugees, a large influx sought the United Arab Emirates. In addition, an increasing number of Iraqi students seeking education and career opportunities opted for the country in light of its relatively reputable institutions across the Middle East.



There are almost 4,000 Japanese people who live in the UAE.[38] Over 2,000 of them are from Dubai, making the city home to the largest Japanese community in the whole of Middle East and Africa.[39] Japan also maintains a sizeable trade presence in the UAE through representative offices of multinational corporations and organisations; as of 2007, there were an estimated 105 Japanese companies operating in the Jebel Ali Free Zone alone.[39]

According to registrations based with local embassies and consulates, the community has been growing at an average of 20 per cent per year, much larger than the population during the 1980s when only a few hundred Japanese expatriates lived in the country.[40] The Japanese have introduced judo in the country. Most immigrants are principally skilled workers employed in white-collar business and industry sectors. Dubai has one Japanese association and there is also a Dubai Japanese School, which is based on Japanese curriculum.

The Emirates airline additionally runs weekly flights to Tokyo, which are designed to cater to much of Dubai's Japanese residents.[41]



Kenyans in the United Arab Emirates had an estimated population numbering 36,000 in 2010. Of these, many work in Dubai in the hospitality and construction industries.[42] The immigrant community came under the spotlight in 2010 when the UAE sanctioned all Kenyans intending to travel, work and reside in the UAE to have a degree or qualification, a move that triggered anxiety to the business community and the public at large. The move was thought to be a retaliatory move by the United Arab Emirates after Kenyan authorities arrested and deported four of its citizens on suspicions of terrorism.


There are approximately 3,100 Koreans in the United Arab Emirates.[43] The United Arab Emirates received a small contingent of Korean migrant workers in the late 1970s and early 1980s, but it was never a major destination[44] However, due to rapid growth since 2005, the country has come to have the Arab world's largest Korean population.[43] As of 2008, there were roughly 2,500 South Koreans living in Dubai alone, largely businessmen working at the 90 Korean companies which operated in the country.[45] There were also many flight attendants working for Emirates Airlines; the number of Koreans working for Emirates Airlines increased from 15 in 1998 to 620 as of 2007, mostly based out of Dubai. Dubai has the UAE's largest community of South Koreans.[46] However, a consulate was not opened in Dubai until March 2008.[47]

There are also believed to be roughly 1,300 North Korean workers in the UAE, primarily in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. They earn between US$300 and $500 per month, but have to make so-called "loyalty payments" of $150 to $250 to the North Korean government. This has sparked discontent among the workers; in response, the North Korean government has sent security agents to patrol North Korean work camps and keep an eye out for people making critical comments.[48]

Won Ho Chung is a famous Arabic language comedian of Korean origin who is based in Dubai.[49]. In 2010, Chung was appointed goodwill ambassador for the Korea Tourism Organization in the Middle East.[50]


There were 6,000 Malaysians living and working in the United Arab Emirates as of 2010. They are a significant, albeit not large, expatriate community in the country. Most are found in Dubai and can be seen working with foreign and local companies.[51] In addition, there are a small number of Malaysian pilots serving the Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways.


Nepalis in the United Arab Emirates are a large community numbering around 125,258; of these, 75,000 are in Dubai, some 30,000 in Abu Dhabi and the remaining are spread out over the northern emirates. Out of the population, half are labour migrants working in the construction sector while others work in hospitality and security services (as security guards); Nepalese security guards are popular in the UAE for their trustworthiness.[52] There are also some skilled professionals.

As part of curbing illegal migration, the UAE made new amendments to visit visa regulations in 2008. According to experts, the changes were likely to affect Nepalis the most, along with Indians and Pakistanis.[53]

New Zealanders

New Zealanders in the UAE number around 4,000,[54] the overwhelming majority of whom are based in Dubai. A number of entrepreneurs from New Zealand are attracted towards the work and business opportunities offered in the UAE.[55] In 2007, more than 700 New Zealanders moved to the UAE permanently or for long term.[56]

The New Zealand community is involved in numerous cultural events, get-togethers and organisations. In Dubai, expatriate New Zealanders joined Australians to form the Australia New Zealand Association, which aims to provide support to society members and expatriates over the entire country.


Omanis consist of expatriates and residents in the United Arab Emirates who hail from Oman. Being a bordering country and sharing cultural links, there are thousands of Omani people who live in the U.A.E. They are predominately Arabs and belong to the Muslim Ibadi sect.

Omanis make a large percentage of the UAE's office corps and also dominate the police forces.[57] Many are originally students pursuing higher education in various institutions across the country. In 2003, their number was estimated at over 9,000.[58] According to the Times of Oman, the United Arab Emirates is the most popular destination for Omani students who choose to study abroad; its close location and sharing of the language and culture makes them more comfortable at places like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and the border town of Al Ain.[59]

Both countries have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at providing benefits to Omani nationals and citizens in the UAE as well as treating Omani labour and work force at par with the country's nationals.[60] Being a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) (like the UAE) enables Omani nationals to move and work freely within the country and enjoy contrasting residential benefits as compared to expatriates in the UAE from non-GCC states.

In 2003, Omanis in the UAE were allowed to vote for council members in the elections of the Omani Majlis al-Shura. It was the first-ever overseas suffrage in Oman's history.[58]



There is a sizable community of Russians in the UAE. They are expatriates who have moved into the country in attraction of good job opportunities and its contrasted all-year-round sunny weather conditions. According to various estimates, as many as 18,000 Russian expatriates and overall above 55,000 Russian speakers from CIS (former Soviet Republics) countries live throughout the country, with the majority having made Dubai and Northern Emirates their home.[61] The UAE is also a popular visiting destination, with above 1,000,000 tourists from Russia & CIS visiting the country each year.[61] There are a number of business and cultural groups and organizations dedicated within the community, such as Russian Business Council in Dubai and Northern Emirates, operating under the umbrella of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Russian Cultural Club in the American University of Sharjah; Russian Women Union “Rossiyanka” to name a few. The Dubai Russian Private School is a secondary school using a curriculum approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and is designed to cater to the Russian speaking community needs. There are also a number of Russian-language publications in the country: Russian Emirates magazine (dedicated to the luxury lifestyle and fashion), Business Emirates magazine (dedicate to the property, business and investments; the official publication of the Russian Business Council), as well as East Sprigs UAE Travel Guide book for Russian speaking tourists and visitors of the UAE, printed & published by the Russian Emirates Publishing House and actively promoted and circulated. There is a “Russian Radio – A Worldwide Network” broadcasting on 96.3FM all over the UAE. Dubai has often been described as a playground for Russian VIPs, where large portions of property are bought. Some locals insist that as much as half of the Palm Jumeirah, the first of the city's scheduled three man-made islands, which is already handed over, eventually owned by Russian speakers. In a playful reference to the extremely popular bi-monthly publication, the news agency Russia Today has unanimously referred to the UAE as the "Russian Emirates”.[61]


Saudis in the United Arab Emirates are citizens of Saudi Arabia who reside in the United Arab Emirates. As of recent statistics, their population was estimated to be close to 5,000, making them one of the larger groups of non-Emirati Arabs in the country.[62] According to a report, a total of 4,895 Saudis were living in the UAE until the end of 2007; this number grew when a further 700 entered at the start of 2008.

They are mostly found working in the sectors of commerce and industry as well as medicine, law, insurance and shipping. Both the UAE and Saudi Arabia are Arab states and part of the Gulf Cooperation Council; according to agreements, the citizens of each GCC member can live and work in any of the six countries. They are also able to move freely and travel without visa. The Saudis own a total of 1,357 houses and 1,450 pieces of land in various emirates in the UAE.


Somalis now comprise one of the largest immigrant communities in the United Arab Emirates. Somali-owned businesses line the streets of Deira, the Dubai city centre,[63] with only Iranians exporting more products from the city at large.[64] Internet cafés, hotels, coffee shops, restaurants and import-export businesses are all testimony to the Somalis' entrepreneurial spirit. Star African Air is also one of three Somali-owned airlines which are based in Dubai.[63]

South Africans

Sri Lankans

Sri Lankans in the United Arab Emirates are estimated to have a population of over 230,000;[65] they mostly form the country's large foreign labour force. In 2009, community members were urged to register themselves. A lack of community data has often resulted in difficulties in reaching out to the community at the time of major announcements, rules and regulation.[65] Most expatriates from Sri Lanka, along with other immigrants from the Indian subcontinent, tend to be found in Dubai, although sizeable communities are existent in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al-Ain and Ras al-Khaimah.


Thais in the United Arab Emirates are based predominantly in Abu Dhabi and Dubai; there are smaller populations also in the northern emirates. A significant number of Thais are workers providing labour for the construction sector. In 2006, there were some 3,500 Thai workers in Dubai alone. This figure jumped to 6,500 in 2007 and recent numbers are predicted to be as high as 8,000.[66] The UAE and Thailand have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at protecting the rights of Thai workers living and working in the UAE.


Turks in the United Arab Emirates are ethnic Turkish people who live in the United Arab Emirates. In 2006, there were 5,484 Turks in the United Arab Emirates; 3,000 of which lived in Dubai.[67]


  1. ^ More than 50,000 Afghans told to hand in Pakistani passports - Quqnoos
  2. ^ Afghan Business Council, Dubai - Homepage
  3. ^ Private American Citizens Residing Abroad
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ ArmenianDiaspora website
  6. ^ Statistics - Numbers of Australians Overseas in 2001
  7. ^ Gulfnews: InFocus Australia - Living it up in Dubai
  8. ^ The Daily Telegraph: Debt-laden, jobless Aussies flee Dubai
  9. ^ Gulfnews: Australian expatriates celebrate National Day
  10. ^ Australian International School, Sharjah
  11. ^ Bangladeshis Observe Martyrs’ Day - Khaleej Times
  12. ^ Expatriate Bangladeshis in UAE remit more money home
  13. ^ Estimates of Brazilians living abroad by region (Portuguese)
  14. ^ a b "Brazilian immigrants in the Arab world". Brazil-Arab News Agency. http://www2.anba.com.br/noticia_especiais.kmf?cod=10525305. 
  15. ^ "13 Brazilians in UAE football clubs". Emirates Business 24/7. September 15, 2010. http://www.emirates247.com/sports/football/13-brazilians-in-uae-football-clubs-2010-09-15-1.291242. 
  16. ^ "Brazilians to flock to Dubai". Arabian Business. 23 March 2008. http://new.arabianbusiness.com/brazilians-flock-dubai-52059.htm. 
  17. ^ Terror red alert for 100,000 British expats in Dubai - Scotsman News
  18. ^ UK expats take advantage of weak sterling - Arabian Business
  19. ^ Dubai Mighty Camels playing our game - Canada.com
  20. ^ Club for Canadians Dubai
  21. ^ Chinese expats in Dubai - TimeOut Dubai
  22. ^ Chinese property investors looking to Dubai for real estate bargains
  23. ^ Chinese investors turn to Dubai
  24. ^ Danes to reopen embassy in Abu Dhabi: The National (UAE)
  25. ^ Danes in Dubai - Official homepage
  26. ^ http://www.timeoutdubai.com/community/features/3682-french-dubai
  27. ^ a b http://blog.justlanded.com/just-landed-news/guide-de-dubai-en-francais-expatries/
  28. ^ German expats in Dubai - TimeOut Dubai
  29. ^ a b Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Greece) - United Arab Emirates
  30. ^ a b c Embassy of Greece in the UAE honours economic and commercial partners: Emirates Greeks
  31. ^ Construction of Greek Orthodox Church to begin in UAE: Daily Frappe
  32. ^ Expatriates celebrate 64th Indonesian Independence Day in Abu Dhabi - Gulf News
  33. ^ Middle East Online: UAE open for Iran business as US seeks to choke Tehran
  34. ^ a b http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/4cda158e-8eb1-11df-8a67-00144feab49a,dwp_uuid=be75219e-940a-11da-82ea-0000779e2340.html
  35. ^ http://payvand.com/news/09/mar/1178.html
  36. ^ http://www.32group.net/content/ceosmessage
  37. ^ BuzzFlash > World Media Watch > 1/21/05
  38. ^ Japan-United Arab Emirates Relations (MOFA Japan)
  39. ^ a b "JAFZA home to Hitachi Construction Machinery's new regional centre". AMEinfo.com. March 7, 2007. http://www.ameinfo.com/112883.html. Retrieved November 21, 2010. 
  40. ^ Constantine, Zoi (October 11, 2007). "'I planted a judo seed in the desert'". Gulf News. http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/general/i-planted-a-judo-seed-in-the-desert-1.206249. Retrieved November 21, 2010. 
  41. ^ "Emirates Marks Countdown of First Tokyo Japan Service with Industry Road show". Business Travel Guru. March 4, 2010. http://biztravelguru.com/blogs/airline-hotel-news/archive/2010/03/04/emirates-marks-countdown-of-first-tokyo-japan-service-with-industry-road-show.aspx. Retrieved November 21, 2010. 
  42. ^ Kenya-UAE resolve visa row: Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
  43. ^ a b MOFAT 2009
  44. ^ Seok 1991, pp. 56–58
  45. ^ "South Korea to open consulate in Dubai", Khaleej Times, 2008-02-26, http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?section=theuae&xfile=data/theuae/2008/february/theuae_february897.xml, retrieved 2009-05-22 
  46. ^ "Korean Female Crew Capture Middle East", Chosun Ilbo, 2007-05-04, http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200705/200705040012.html, retrieved 2007-05-04 
  47. ^ About us, The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Dubai, http://are-dubai.mofat.go.kr/eng/af/are-dubai/mission/about/index.jsp, retrieved 2009-05-22 
  48. ^ N. Korean Workers Brave Hard Times in UAE - Chosun
  49. ^ Wonho Chung - Stand up Comedian & Host
  50. ^ [2]
  51. ^ "Looking to the Middle East". The Star Online. 25 January 2010. http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/1/25/nation/5536408&sec=nation. 
  52. ^ Abdul Kader, Binsal (2010-05-17), "Number of Nepalese in UAE steady", Gulf News, http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/general/number-of-nepalese-in-uae-steady-1.627869, retrieved 2010-07-17 
  53. ^ New UAE visa rules likely to affect Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalis - ThaIndian
  54. ^ From F1 to FIFA, the show rolls on
  55. ^ Eye of the storm
  56. ^ Smith, Jacqueline (25 May 2008). "Desert jewel a rough diamond". The New Zealand Herald. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10512314. Retrieved 11 September 2011. 
  57. ^ J.E. Peterson. The Future of Federalism in the United Arab Emirates, pp. 18
  58. ^ a b Bibbo, Barbara (September 28, 2003). "Omanis in UAE allowed to vote in Shura council polls". Gulf News. http://www.mafhoum.com/press6/162S25.htm. Retrieved November 29, 2010. 
  59. ^ Kola, Aftab H. (October 4, 2010). "More Omanis opting to study overseas". Times of Oman. http://www.timesofoman.com/innercat.asp?detail=39494. Retrieved November 29, 2010. 
  60. ^ "Omani workers to get same status as UAE nationals". Oman Economic Review. July 2006. http://www.oeronline.com/php/2006_july/inthe_news.php. 
  61. ^ a b c "Russians feel at home in UAE". Russia Today. 9 September 2007. http://rt.com/Business/2007-09-09/Russians_feel_at_home_in_UAE.html. 
  62. ^ Nearly 5,000 Saudis are living in UAE - Arab News
  63. ^ a b Somalis cash in on Dubai boom from the BBC
  64. ^ Forget piracy, Somalia's whole 'global' economy is booming - to Kenya's benefit
  65. ^ a b "Sri Lankans in UAE asked to register themselves". Gulf News. 24 June 2009. http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/general/sri-lankans-in-uae-asked-to-register-themselves-1.28877. 
  66. ^ The missing pillar in Thai-Gulf ties - Gulf News
  67. ^ Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Labour and Social Security. "YURTDISINDAKI VATANDASLARIMIZLA ILGILI SAYISAL BILGILER". http://www.calisma.gov.tr/article.php?article_id=371. Retrieved 2009-10-27. 

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